In Elton John’s alternate medieval universe, Pepsi is the ultimate currency and music stars rule the world. But it becomes reality in this latest Super Bowl commercial spoiler, courtesy of Pepsi.
The minute-long ad spot, titled “King’s Court,” features a despotic king Elton John, who’s evidently mistaken the Middle Ages for the Mid ‘70s given his gaudy robe adorned with leopard print and acrylic jewels. Fashion faux pas aside, King Elton is auditioning jesters in his court, The X Factor-style. One potential performer fails to wow Elton with his off-key rendition of Nelly’s “Hot In Herre,” leading the king to decree, “No Pepsi for you!” and promptly dropping him through a conveniently-placed trap door to a dark abyss below. The jester may have been expendable, but to deny him a Pepsi? The horror!
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